
* Saturday Morning *

Me and my husband were going to go hiking this morning, but both we had many things to do so that we are going to go tomorrow morning instead. can't wait!!! We are planning to leave early morning so hopefully we will get to see the beautiful sunrise maybe? > <

So anyways, since we woke up this morning my husband started to study and I started to bake:)
I haven't baked since last week so I needed to bake something I felt like LOL
This morning I baked 'Madeleine' which is one of my favorite pastry. This time for my family I didn't bake original recipe but I baked Gluten Free and also I tried to make Apricot Jam filling. 
Looks good good!! 
Put it to the oven and baked about 20 mins.......
Looks good good good > < Buttery sweet smell in the kitchen, I love it!!
Perfect golden color!!!!!Yaaaaayyyy!!!!!

Apricot jam was supposed to be filling cake completely, but I wonder if Apricot jam was too heavy??? wasn't covered but over flowed.....:( 
Well...I can't do anything now at this moment....I'm just hoping that they will still like it :(

Now, time to go back to study for tomorrow's lesson, make more items for my customer(Thank you for shopping at my shop!) and also I gotta check my e-mails since I couldn't check at all this week :0

After that me and my husband will come to see our family and have dinner together tonight.
I'm kind of nervous because tonight is not going to be just 4 of us but his father will bring his business friends who are from Singapore to introduce for my husband. For my husband's future business connections I will also have to behave well >< nervous nervous!!! but excited too!!!!

Have a great weekend!
Thank you for stopping by!!


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